Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why do you matter?

Hey peoples out there,
This is my first blog! I know, how many times have you read that before? Haha well anyway, I'm a Sophomore in college at the University of Missouri. I'm majoring in Magazine Journalism and that's probably the most exciting/boring thing in my life right now. I can't wait to just graduate already and start doing something with my life. Don't get me wrong, college has it's good points like underage drinking, skipping class, going to football games, making out with preppy frat boys, and joining clubs. Oh who am I kidding; I've probably only done a couple of those things (skipping class and some drinking...), but for the most part I've been living my life outside of campus.
I'm doing everything I can to define myself and stand apart from the immense population of MIZZOU. I mean, how would you feel being just a number in a lecture hall of 500 people? It's a shame that none of my professors are even aware of my existence, but I guess it's just life. It could be worse; I could be going to that university in India with a million people. Try standing out there! Actually, it might not be so hard if you're American, but that's besides the point. So the lesson here is that we should all find ways to grow into our own different identities. I'm tired of doing what everyone else does and the focus for this year is to just do whatever I can to find my place in the world (yes, that's a bit cliche), but it's true. You should ask yourself, why do you matter? And how can you make yourself happy?

Elizabeth : )

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