Friday, September 17, 2010

How many of your friends would you trust with your life?

So I just saw Easy A and it was not bad! I absolutely love how Olive is this verbose pseudo tramp who pretends to have sex with guys just to help them out; she's totally my idol. Furthermore, everyone continues to use her and spread rumors because their lives just aren't that exciting. Thus, the message becomes "focus on your own life and stop trying to put others down." Last time I checked, high school is totally not like this. Well, my high school in St. Louis definitely was not. Everyone was friends with everyone! Woopee but no really, these movies just make teenagers look like they have no sense of individuality whatsoever and that we're all pathetic wannabes. PS the guy from Gossip Girl, what's his face Dan, so totally hot in this movie and soooo sweet! Anyway, one thing I have learned is to keep your friends and family close to your heart. Who cares about what others say; if you don't like them, why does it matter if they like you? If someone makes fun of you, it's probably just because you have a great butt or an awesome personality, right? I've only met a few people in college I really like, but that's ok. I've connected with so many more people from all over the country. So even if someone may not be part of your everyday life, they're still "part of your world" (Little Mermaid). Friendships are important because you learn about yourself and others and family is important because they will (hopefully) always be there for you, in good and bad times. And just a side note, if you're in a long distance relationship, keep it going! I give people a lot of credit for pushing through them. I know the pain, but trust me, when it's all over, and you're together again, it will all be worth it. Plus, you'll be able to say, "Hey! I conquered long distance bitch!"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth, Just a suggestion, change your font color or size, its a bit hard to read the content with a bright background.
