Sunday, September 12, 2010

What’s the difference between settling for things and accepting the way things are?

Sometimes I wish life were as simple as living in the Shire with the affable Hobbits where everything is pleasant and simple. Plus, you would live in the most gorgeous country, New Zealand! (I think there's another name for it in the story, but I've never actually read the book~I heard that when you come to a section about a staircase, it's supposed to take 40 pages to get through) Anyway, who knew life would ever be so complicated. When I was little I used to think that people go to school, get a job, get married, have kids, retire and that was all they ever did. I'm almost 20 and just starting to learn that there's so much more to life. I guess it's all what you make of it, but I hope to get as much as I can out of it (no regrets!). Last semester, I had the most amazing experience of my life in Florida and now I cannot stop thinking about how I would love to be that happy again. I want to meet people from around the world, learn about their cultures, and eat their food. If you're living in Columbia, Missouri, I got to be honest, but there's hardly any of that here. (Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad town, but...) So the point I'm trying to make is don't let your life get away. Make the most of it and find something and someone that truly makes you happy! I probably should be listening to my own advice lol but never feel like you have to settle for anything less than you're worth

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